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The Museum Project

The project is a result of a half-year long research-based work, turning a text-based thesis into an art piece. By adopting thoughts and opinions of visitors and professionals regarding the definition of art museum and exhibition through numbers of site visits and interviews, encountering a conceptual way with the integration of photography and typography, the project aims to provide an exploration experience for visitors to re-think their own definition, thereby, to review and explore those possibilities in minds.


For some years now, it has been evident in most museums that visitor behavior has changed significantly

compared with the past. This behavior was accelerated after museums began to use "instagramability" for

exhibitions that encouraged the public to go to the exhibition event for the sake of "selfies". Can the goal

of a quality education policy still be achieved if more and more visitors come to the museum to take a

snapshot? What does this trend mean for art museums? A research project was conducted in 2018-2019 to

deal with these questions, to analyze and to discuss the resulting possibilities for museums. The project

examined and documented the behavior of visitors in dealing with media in art museums and questioned

museum visitors and experts to see what is currently changing. The collected results of this investigation

will be presented in the form of a "work of art" that invites visitors to rethink the significance of art

museums or exhibitions for the public. This aspect of self-reflection in the face of changing visitor

behavior allows museum people to deal with the questions of future mediation.


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